Cognitive commerce is the new creative destruction for marketers
Today’s rate and pace of technological innovation is blistering. In its wake entire industries are being tipped askew; some are converging, some emerging and others are being overtaken by new competitors. Just consider the impact of Uber’s mobile app business model on the taxi industry, or Airbnb’s online marketplace …

Data is the essence of marketing
By now, most organizations know that the ability to understand what data means in a business context drives differentiation, competitive advantage and a fatter bottom line. And we’re generating and capturing more data than ever before, in structured and unstructured forms. All this data can overwhelm companies already managing thousands …

Best practices for using data to unify your sales and marketing departments
Enterprise companies have come to rely on sales and marketing to drive innovation across organizations, which has compelled the two departments to work together more closely than ever before. Because sales and marketing teams haven’t always seen eye to eye, however, efforts to align them are often complicated. Aligning sales …

Driving car sales with data-based market analytics
There are few tougher markets for selling new vehicles than Toronto. With its mix of young renters, culturally diverse suburbanites and wealthy older families, the Greater Toronto Area is very complex, hyper-competitive and much different from other parts of the country. No one knows that better than Jason Easton, General …

Big Data analytics: Isn’t it still just analytics?
Tactics must evolve but the mission hasn’t changed As ‘Big Data’ continues to dominate discussions in the analytics space, along comes the notion of ‘Big Data Analytics’ to add confusion in the marketplace. If big data analytics warrants its own discipline, then its methodologies and approaches should be significantly different …

Data intelligence driving key decisions for market trailblazers
Intelligence: According to Merriam-Webster it’s “the ability to learn, understand or to deal with new or trying situations.” Intelligence is what market trailblazers like data centre giant Q9 and health benefits manager Express Scripts Canada have in massive proportions. Express Scripts is a Fortune 50 company with over $100 billion …