The price of loyalty
Consumers can put a price tag on their data; What does this mean for marketers? In a nutshell, it means they have high expectations for value and customer experience from the companies with whom they share their data. In fact, 62% of Canadians expect better experiences with companies who hold …

Beyond data
Aeroplan partners with TD to create emotional connection by leveraging data to help members achieve their travel goals According to our 2015 Aimia Global Loyalty Lens survey, 80% of consumers are willing to engage with brands and share their personal data, but only eight per cent think they receive better …

How Home Hardware is building customer loyalty through relevancy, one customer at a time
In the quest to retain customers, many retailers across Canada have created their own or joined existing loyalty programs. Rewarding customers for their loyalty and leveraging the data that’s collected as part of these interactions as a means to build real relationships with customers has gained a lot of …